To improve your vision, you can try LASIK (Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis) surgery, and it will help you to see well especially with reading. For many years now, one of the most common ailments people suffers from is a poor vision. One of the most complicated organs requiring a very exact arrangement is the eye so that it functions properly. If any of them is not in a precise mechanism, then it results to in capability because light falling on the eye will not focus correctly. In most cases for many years, people have been relying lenses to alter the direction and angle with which light enters the eye. There has been a newer and modern way of correcting the eyes using a computer. The method is LASIK surgery that corrects vision in a matter of seconds. With the help of a computer, the surgeon folds the flap back then removes the cornea tissue under it using an excimer laser.
The process involves the surgeon making an incision into the eye cornea and creating a flap. The process involves using a special laser that corrects visual problems like short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hypermetropia), and astigmatism. The surgery may also lessen the need for wearing eyeglasses or contact glasses. The laser reshapes the cornea allowing incoming light rays to fall on the eye correctly resulting in a more clear vision.
In many circumstances, the surgery is quick and takes up to 15 minutes or less for both eyes. Before the beginning of your surgery, the surgeon applies your eyes with eye numbing drops to prevent any discomfort during the surgery and also some medication to help you relax. With the aid of a computer, the surgeon places your eyes under the laser and keeps them open with the assistance of an instrument called a lid speculum.
Before creating a flap, the surgeon uses an ink marker to mark the position of the cornea. The surgeon then applies a suction ring in front of the eye to prevent its movements or loss of contact that could otherwise affect the quality of the flap. After the creation of the corneal flap, the surgeon uses a computer to adjust the excimer laser appropriate for your prescription. While the doctor is watching the eye through a microscope, he or she asks you to look at the target light for a while as the laser sends light pulses to your eye.
The pulses of the laser light reshape the cornea painlessly although you may feel some pressure on the eye. Besides, you will also hear a steady clicking sound as the laser is working on the eye. Upon completion of the surgery, your surgeon may ask you to have a short rest.
Following the procedure, you may feel a temporal itching or burning effect immediately. On each separate eye, the LASIK only takes roughly five minutes. Immediately after the surgery, you may expect some blurred vision and haziness but by the very next morning, clarity should improve. In a few days, your vision should stabilize and improve. During the recovery period, it is advisable to refrain from strenuous activities.