Dr. Marilyn Fernandez
Department Co-Chair
Sociology Program
Post-Doctoral Training in Advanced Population Studies, East-West Population Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1982-1983.
Ph.D., Loyola University of Chicago, 1982, Sociology.
M.A., Loyola College of Social Sciences, Trivandrum, India, 1975, Sociology.
B.A., St. Teresa’s College, Cochin, India, 1973, Economics.
Pre-Degree, St. Teresa’s College, Cochin, India, 1970, Economics, Civics, Logic.
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA., 1998-.
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA., 1992-1998.
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Sociology & Anthropology Loyola University of Chicago, Spring 1988-89 and Fall 1990-1991.
Visiting Lecturer in Sociology, Government Law School, Cochin, India, 1984-1985.
Visiting Lecturer, The Institute of Religion and Philosophy, Pune, India, 1983 and 1984.
Lecturer in Sociology (equivalent to advanced Assistant Professor), St. Teresa’s College, Cochin, India, 1983-1985.
Junior Lecturer in Sociology (equivalent to entering Assistant Professor), St. Teresa’s College, Cochin, India,1975-1977.
Director of Research and Evaluation, The Ounce of Prevention Fund, Chicago, 1991-1992.
Associate Director for Research and Evaluation, The Ounce of Prevention Fund, 1989-1991.
Research Associate, The Ounce Of Prevention Fund, 1988-1989.
Research Associate, Pacific/Asian American Mental Health Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1985-1988.
Human Services (recent course syllabi included)
Research Methods and Statistics (recent course syllabi included)
Demography (recent course syllabi included)
Introduction to Sociology (recent course syllabi included)
Social Change
Sociology of Third World Development
Domestic Violence
Asian American Families and Women
Adolescents and Children
Program Evaluation
Race and Ethnic Minorities in the U.S.
Research Methods and Statistics
Third World Development
Japanese American WWII Incarceration (with Prof. Stephen Fugita of Ethnic Studies
Program and Psychology Department, Santa Clara University)
Domestic Violence Services in Santa Clara County and Their Effectiveness
Fernandez, Marilyn and Holly S. Ruch-Ross
1998 “Ecological Analysis of Program Impact: A Site Analysis of Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents in Illinois.” Journal of Applied Sociology, Vol. 15(1):104-133.
Marilyn Fernandez and Kwang Chung Kim
1998 “Self-Employment Rates of Asian Immigrant Groups: An Analysis of Intra-Group and Inter-Group Differences .” International Migration Review, Vol. 32(3): 654-681.
Fernandez, Marilyn and Kwang Chung Kim
1998 “Dominant and Minority Couples: An Exploratory Analysis of Strategies for Family Economic Well-being.” Chapter 6, pp. 65-79 inIssues for Integrating Work and Family in the 21st Century, edited by Dana Vannoy and Paula Dubeck. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
Sharon Lee and Marilyn Fernandez
1998 “Trends in Asian American Racial/Ethnic Intermarriage: A Comparison of 1980 and 1990 Census Data.” Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 41, No. 2: 323-342.
Marilyn Fernandez
1998 “Asian Indian Americans in the Bay Area and the Glass Ceiling.” SociologicalPerspectives, Vol. 41, No. 1:119-149.
Marilyn Fernandez
1997 Review of Roger Waldinger, Still The Promised City? African Americans and New Immigrants in Postindustrial New York.International Migration Review, Vol. 31:1132-1133.
Marilyn Fernandez
1997 “Domestic Violence by Extended Family Members in India: Interplay of Gender and Generation.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence,Vol. 12(3): 433-455.
Marilyn Fernandez, Kichiro Iwamoto, and Bernadette Muscat
1997 “Dependency and Severity of Abuse: Impact on Women’s Persistence in Utilizing the Court System as Protection Against Domestic Violence.” Women & Criminal Justice, Vol. 9(1): 39-63.
Marilyn Fernandez and Laura Nichols
1996 “Ecological Approach in Practice: A Case Study of the Ounce of Prevention Fund.”Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, Vol. 23 (2): 121-141.
Stephen Fugita and Marilyn Fernandez
1995 “Asian American Admissions to an Elite University: A Multivariate Case Study of Harvard.” Asian American Policy Review, Vol. V: 45-62.
Nandi, Proshanta and Marilyn Fernandez
1994 “Liberation of Asian American Women: An Uncertain Quest.” International Journal of Sociology of the Family, Vol. 24 (Spring): 1-22.
Marilyn Fernandez
1994 “Alice W. Clark, ed. Gender and Political Economy: Explorations of South Asian Systems. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, Vol. 23(1): 34-35.
Marilyn Fernandez, Holly Ruch-Ross, and Anne Montague
1993 “Ethnicity and Effects of Age Gap Between Unmarried Adolescent Mothers and Partners.” Journal of Adolescent Research, Vol.8(4): 439-466.
Wang, Chang-Hua, William T. Liu, Ming-Yuan Zhang, Elena S.H. Yu, Zheng-Yi Xia, Marilyn Fernandez, Ching-Tung Lung, Chang-Lin Xu, and Guang-Ya Qu
1992 “Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Dependency in Shanghai.” Pp. 264-286 in Alcoholism in NorthAmerica, Europe, and Asia, edited by John E. Helzer and Glorisa J. Canino. New York: Oxford University Press.
William T. Liu, Elena Yu, Ching-Fu Chang, andMarilyn Fernandez
1990 “The Mental Health of Asian American Teenagers: A Research Challenge.” Pp. 92-112 in Ethnic Issues in Adolescent Mental Health, edited by Arlene Rubin Stiffman and Larry E. Davis. Newbury Park: Sage.
Marilyn Fernandez and Holly Ruch-Ross
June 1991 “Age Gap Between Adolescent Mothers and Their Partners: Consequences For Children and Mothers.” TEC Networks, Number 29: 5-6.
Kim, Kwang Chung, Won Moo Hurh, andMarilyn Fernandez
1989 “Intra-group Participation in Business Participation: A Comparative Analysis of Three Asian American Groups.” International Migration Review, Vol. 23 (Spring): 73-95.
Yu, Elena, Ching-Fu Chang, William Liu, andMarilyn Fernandez
1989 “Suicide among Asian American Youth.” in Report on the Prevention and Intervention of Youth Suicide, Volume III, Edited by Marcia R. Feinleib. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Kim, Kwang Chung, Won Moo Hurh, andMarilyn Fernandez
1988 “An Exploratory Analysis of Business Participation of Three Asian Immigrant Groups.” P/AAMHRC Research Review, Vol. 6 (3-4): 19-22.
Liu, William and Marilyn Fernandez
1987 “Asian Immigrant Households and Strategies for Family Reunification.” Pp.115-124 in The Pacific/Asian American Mental Health Research Center: A Decade Review, edited by William T. Liu. Chicago, Illinois: P/AAMHRC, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Fernandez, Marilyn and William T. Liu
1986 “Asian Indians in the U.S.: A Profile from the 1980 Census.” Richard H. Brown and George V. Coelho (eds.), Tradition and Transformation: Asian Indians in America, Studies in Third World Societies, # 38. Williamsburg, Virginia: College of William and Mary.
Fernandez, Marilyn
1985 Modernity, Contraception, or Both? Determinants of Fertility in Kerala, India. Cochin, Kerala: St. Teresa’s College.
Fernandez, Marilyn
1985 “University Education For What? The Case of Kerala Women.” New Frontiers inEducation, Vol. 15 (Jan-March): 82-85.
1984 “Towards a Theory of Social Conflict: J. Turner’s Synthesis of the Conflict Perspectives of Ralf Dahrendorf and Lewis Coser.” Kerala Sociologist, Vol. 12 (Dec.): 7-15.
Fernandez, Marilyn
July 1990 “The Ounce of Prevention Fund/Parents Too Soon Service Population: Preliminary Findings From A Study of Participants, Drop-outs, and Non-participants.”Submitted to Department of Children and Family Services, State of Illinois.
Fernandez, Marilyn and Anne Montague
Jan. 1990 “The Ounce of Prevention Fund/Parents Too Soon Tracking System: Characteristics of Program Participants, Fiscal Year 1989.” Submitted to Department of Children and Family Services, State of Illinois.
Fernandez, Marilyn, Anne Montague, and Holly Ruch-Ross
April 1990 “The Ounce of Prevention Fund/Parents Too Soon Tracking System: Characteristics of Program Participants, Fiscal Years 1984-88.” Submitted to Department of Children and Family Services, State of Illinois.
Fernandez, Marilyn
1982 “Fertility Decisions in Kerala, India: An Assessment of the Role of Modernization and Family Planning in Determining Fertility Norms and Behavior” (Ph.D. dissertation).
Fernandez, Marilyn
1975 “Creativity as a Correlate of Democratic Family Relationships” (M.A. thesis).
2000 “Religion and Japanese Americans’ Views of their World War II Internment” (co-authored with Prof. Stephen Fugita). Presented at the 2000 meetings of the American Sociological Association in Washington, D.C.
1999 “Religious orientation and the World War II Internment of Japanese Americans” (co-authored with Prof. Stephen Fugita). Presented at the 1999 meetings of the Association for Asian American Studies at Philadelphia.
1998 “Seeking Domestic Violence Interventions: A Test of Dependency Versus Survivor Theories” (co-authored with Dr. Kichiro Iwamoto). Presented at the 1998 Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA.
1997 “Labor Force Participation of Minority Groups and Their Relative Contribution to Household Income: An Inter-minority Group Comparison” (co-authored with Kwang Chung Kim). Presented at the 1997 Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Toronto, Canada.
1997 Presider at the refereed roundtable titled “Women’s Issues: Identity, abuse, and Marital Violence” of the Section on Asia and Asian America, 1997 Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Toronto, Canada.
1996 “Dominant and Minority Couples: An Exploratory Analysis of Strategies for Family Economic Well-being.” Presented at the conference on “Agenda for the 21st Century Labor Force,” The Kunz Center for the Study of Work & Family, November 15 (co-authored with Prof. Kwang Chung Kim).
1996 “Employment Patterns of Race/Ethnic Groups in the United States: A Comparative Analysis of the Dominant and Minority Groups” (co-authored with Kwang Chung Kim). Presented at the 1996 Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York City, New York.
1995 “Business Participation Rate Among Asian Immigrant Groups: An Analysis of Intra-Group Differences.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in Los Angeles in August (co-authored with Prof. Kwang Chung Kim).
1995 “Intermarriage Patterns among Asian Americans: Evidence from the 1990 U.S. Census.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in Los Angeles in August (co-authored with Prof. Sharon M. Lee).
1995 “Incorporating Race/ethnicity and Gender in a Human Service Course.” Presented at the round-table session on “Teaching Race, Class, and Gender in Introductory Courses,” of the Annual Meetings of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, C.A., April 8, 1995.
1994 “The Sisterhood of Women? Role of Women in the Continuing Patriarchal Oppression of Women in India.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in Los Angeles in August (co-authored with Dr. Srinivasan).
1994 “Dependency and Severity of Abuse: Impact on Women’s Persistence in Utilizing the Court System as Protection Against Domestic Violence.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in Los Angeles in August (co-authored with Prof. K. Iwamoto and Bernadette Muscat).
1994 “Asian Americans in Santa Clara County Face the Glass Ceiling.” Presented at the Seventh Annual Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education Conference, San Jose.
1994 “Conflict and Resolution in South Asia and the South Asian Diaspora.”Session co-organized with Dr. Vibha Chandra at the 8th Annual South Asia Conference, UC Berkeley.
1993 “The Glass Ceiling: Unanswered Research Questions.” Presented at California Sociological Association Meetings in Berkeley, California, October 15-16.
1993 “The Guilded Cage of Professional Life: Santa Clara Valley People of Color Confront the Glass Ceiling.” Presented at the Conference on Economics, Race, & Our Future in the Santa Clara Valley, September 10, 1993.
1993 “Changing Profiles of Oppression Against Women in India: A Socio-historical review.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in Miami in August (co-authored with Dr. Shoba Srinivasan).
1991 “The Impact of Agency and Community Characteristics on Service Delivery and Outcomes for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents in Illinois: A Site Level Analysis” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association (co-authored with Dr. Holly Ruch-Ross).
1989 “Economic Utility of Involvement in an Assimilated Ethnic Group” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association (Co-authored with Dr. Stephen Fugita).
1989 “The Influence of Paternal and Maternal Age on Outcome for Children and Their Adolescent Mothers” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association (Co-authored with Anne P. Montague).
1989 Discussant at the Paper Session on Asia and Asian Americans at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Association (Norfolk, Virginia).
1988 “The Liberation of Asian American Women: An Uncertain Quest.” American Sociological Association Meetings in Atlanta, Georgia (Co-authored with Professor Proshanta Nandi.
1988 “Marriage, Family Formation, and Social Mobility: The Asian Indian Experience in the U.S.” Paper presented at 14th Annual Third World Conference in Chicago, Illinois (Co-authored with Professor William Liu).
1987 Chaired a Round table Session on “Asian Feminism” for the Section on Asia and Asian America at American Sociological Association Meetings in Chicago, Illinois.
1986 Organized a session on “Modernization, Social Policy, and the Status of Women in Developing Societies,” at the World Congress of Sociology in New Delhi, India.
1986 “The Changing Asian American Family: Data from the 1980 Census.” Paper presented at the Western Social Science Association Meetings in Reno, Nevada (Co-authored with William Liu and Elena Yu).
1986 “Asian American Families: Strategies for Domestic Group Formation.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meetings in New York city (Co-authored with William Liu and Elena Yu).
Thomas Terry Research Grant, Santa Clara University, “Seeking domestic violence interventions,” $5,000, 7/1/96-6/30/98.
Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant, “Demonstration Project Proposal” to evaluate the effectiveness of public and private domestic violence services in Santa Clara County (Kichiro Iwamoto and May Pat Panighetti of the Santa Clara County Adult Probation Department Co-Investigators), $4,125, June, 1994-June 1995.
Irvine Foundation Faculty Research Grant, Santa Clara University, “Economic Costs and Benefits of Minority Status in the Santa Clara Valley,” April, 1993- November, 1993, $1,970 (Principal Investigator).
Grant for Research on Social Problems, Santa Clara University, “Service Programs for Adolescent Parents: Identifying the Critical Systems that Impact on Adolescent Parenthood,” May, 1993 – June, 1994, $4,076 (Principal Investigator).
Indian Council of Social Science Research, Government of India, “Microfunctional Analysis of the Impact of Gulf Migration on the Kerala Family,” Aug. 1983 – Aug. 1985, Rs. 92,000 (Co -Investigator).
St. Teresa’s College, Cochin, India, “The Scheduled Caste Students in a College Setting: Adaptation Problems,” Oct. 1984-Aug. 1985, Rs. 10,000 (Co-Investigator).
The Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship for advanced training in Population Studies, June 1982 to May, 1983.
Member of Alpha Sigma Nu, Loyola University of Chicago, 1980.
The Schmitt Dissertation Fellowship, Loyola University of Chicago, 1979-1980.
The Rotary Foundation International Educational Award, 1977-1978.
National Merit Scholarship of the Government of India, 1965 – 1975.
International Migration Review
Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews
Medical Anthropology Quarterly
Asian American Policy Review
Sociological Perspectives
Consultant, U.S. Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education’s “Harvard Asian American Compliance Review,” March 1, 1989 – July 31, 1990.
Consultant, National Research Center on Asian American Mental Health of the University of California, Los Angeles’ project on “Alcohol related problems among Filipino Americans.” National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism grant. 1995-1997.
American Sociological Association, Member (Former Council Member, Section on Asia and Asian America)
Pacific Sociological Association, Member
California Sociological Association, Member
Society for the Study of Social Problems, Member
American Public Health Association, Member (Former Council Member for Section on Population and Family Planning)
Population Association of America, Member
Population Reference Bureau, Member
Indian Sociological Association, Member
Kerala Sociological Society, Member
United Way of Chicago, Volunteer member of the Family Life Needs Assessment Committee (1991-1992)
International Sociological Association, (Former Executive Member of Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare, and Social Policy)
Asian Americans for Community Involvement, San Jose, Former Member, Advocacy Committee
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