How Can We Easily Obtain a Vietnam Visa? People travel to Vietnam for many reasons. With a lovely weather and unique food choices, Vietnam is a place that people love to go to. Vietnam is not a big country like India or China. If you will visit Vietnam your plane will land in one of three cities with international airports like Hanoi, the capital, Ho Chih Minh City, and Da Nang. Going to Vietnam will introduce you to its friendly people without any traces of the war of years gone by. There are already big businesses improving the economy of the country. Fun and excitement awaits the traveler who goes to Vietnam. Entering the country will need a Vietnam visa. A visa is necessary for foreigners who wish to go to Vietnam. Prices charged for a visa will depend on your country of origin and the best way to determine this is to check out with the Vietnamese embassy or on the internet. Vietnam offers visa on arrival for residents of selected countries. The two ways to get a Vietnam visa is through the Vietnamese Embassy or through their website.
Applying for a visa through the Embassy takes much longer than applying online. IF you decide to take the faster online method, you will get an approval letter within 24-48 hours. An approved visa will then allow you to go to the country and when you arrive at the Vietnam airport your visa will simply be stamped on your passport. .The Vietnam Visa on Arrival is an appropriate name which they give to the process of acquiring your visa to Vietnam.
This Visa of Arrival or VOA is not really a full visa but a situation where you need an agent at the Vietnam airport who will get an official letter of approval at the VOA counter upon your arrival. If you are staying in the country for 30 days or 90 days then you are eligible to get a single entry visa which is only available for these number of days.
Stamped in your passport must be the full visa for single or multiple entries. Then information will be obtained from you regarding your nationality and other personal details. A small fee will then be charged by the VOA agents. The fee varies from agent to agent and the type of visa you applied for. You can find tour operators who provide visitors with great discounts on visa approval fees. There are many restrictions included in the 90 multiple entry visa. It is advisable that you are very much aware of the dates of entering and exiting Vietnam in advance. Errors in travel dates need to be fixed by your agent. To avoid any problems or delays make sure that every procedure is followed carefully.
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